Inner Child Challenge

Welcome to the Inner Child Healing Challenge, a 5-day immersive experience designed to reconnect you with your inner child, kick-start the healing of past wounds, and cultivate a deeper sense of self-love and empowerment.

Is this challenge for you?

This challenge is for anyone who feels the lingering impact of childhood experiences, emotional wounds, and unresolved traumas. It's for those who yearn for healing, self-discovery, and personal growth.

If you're ready to revisit and release the burdens of the past, embrace a life filled with self-compassion, inner peace, and authenticity, this challenge is for you!

By participating in this Inner Child Healing Challenge, you will:

Reconnect with Your Inner Child
Explore the depths of your inner world, creating a powerful connection with your inner child. Discover their needs, desires, and dreams, and learn how to nurture and support them.

Rediscover Joy and Playfulness
Reclaim the joy and playfulness of your inner child. Engage in activities that spark joy, ignite your creativity, and infuse your daily life with a sense of wonder and spontaneity.

Kick-start the Healing of Past Wounds
Release emotional burdens and traumas from your childhood, paving the way for profound healing and growth. Develop strategies to heal and provide compassionate support to your inner child.

Integrate Your Inner Child
Embrace a harmonious and integrated relationship with your inner child.
Strengthen the bond, honour their presence, and continue nurturing their needs as an essential part of your holistic well-being.

Cultivate Self-Compassion
Embrace a practice of self-love and self-compassion. Learn how to extend kindness, understanding, and forgiveness to yourself and your inner child.Discover empowering self-care practices to nourish your mind, body, and spirit.

MY Personal Story

Say hello to my inner child, Sara! She was a brave, quirky, happy-go-lucky, and full of life little girl who experienced lots of trauma in her early years, which eventually robbed her sparkle later on in life.

Hitting rock bottom mentally, physically, and emotionally a few years ago made me realise that I had to do something to change my life. It was filled with constant stress, health problems, and toxic relationships. I felt completely disconnected, stuck, and burdened by unresolved emotions from my past.

One of the first practices that I discovered on my journey was inner child healing, and since then, I haven't looked back!
I have personally experienced the profound impact of inner child healing in my own life. Through this transformative process, I found liberation, self-compassion, and a renewed sense of purpose. It allowed me to create a life that includes joy, fun, and self-love.
Now, as a dedicated inner child healing advocate, I am humbled to be your guide on this incredible journey.

Challenge Registration + Info

Follow these simple steps to join the challenge:

1. Sign up
Enter your name & email address. Click the sign-up button below to register for the Inner Child Healing Challenge.

2. Confirm your subscription by email
You will receive an email to confirm your subscription
to ensure you receive all the important challenge materials. Only then you will receive the welcome email with all the instructions.
VERY IMPORTANT - Check your spam or junk folders if you don’t receive the email immediately in the main inbox.

3. Join the support & accountability group on Telegram
Join our supportive community on Telegram by clicking 
HERE. Introduce yourself, share where you are from and feel free to engage in meaningful conversations, celebrate wins or build connections with like-minded individuals.

4. Prepare your tools
Grab a photo of you as a child or teen, a pen and a notebook to record your thoughts, reflections or breakthroughs throughout the challenge.

5. Follow the daily instructions
Each day, you will receive an email with the daily instructions (this will match the time of your registration for this challenge i.e. if you registered at 5pm you will then receive the following email at 5pm the next day) . Take your time and honour your process, ensuring you complete all the tasks and activities.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What do 'inner child' and 'inner child healing' mean?

Your inner child is that delightful, spirited, and authentic part of yourself that carries the innocence, wonder, and joy from your early years. It is the playful essence within you, untouched by the demands and stresses of adult life. Embracing and reconnecting with your inner child can bring healing, self-discovery, and a sense of lightness to your journey. It is like rediscovering the magic within and nurturing the little one who still resides in your heart. So, welcome your inner child with open arms, cherish their presence, and let them add a sprinkle of joy to your everyday life!

Is this challenge suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! The challenge is crafted for individuals at all levels of experience. Whether you are new to inner child work or have some background, the daily practices are designed to be accessible and transformative.

How much time should I dedicate to each day of the challenge?

You can tailor the challenge to fit your schedule. The guided meditations are approximately 5-8 minutes each, and the journaling and activities are flexible, allowing you to engage at your own pace.

Do I need to share my experiences in the Telegram community?

Sharing is entirely optional. The Telegram community is a supportive space where you can connect with others, share insights, and feel a sense of community. Feel free to engage as much or as little as you are comfortable with.

Can I join the challenge if I miss a day?

Absolutely! Life happens, and the challenge is designed to be flexible. If you miss a day, you can catch up whenever it suits you. The important thing is to complete every day, to engage with the practices and go at your own pace.

What if I have questions or need support during the challenge?

I am here for you! If you have any questions or need support, feel free to reach out via Telegram or by replying to one of my emails. 

Will there be more challenges or programs after this one?

Yes! If you enjoyed the Inner Child Healing Challenge, join the WAITLIST for my upcoming Inner Child Healing Workshop—a 2-hour live journey on Zoom. In this session, we will delve deeper into this beautiful work, creating transformative shifts in your life.

How can I leave feedback or share my testimonial about the challenge? 

I would love to hear your thoughts! You can leave feedback or share your testimonial HERE. Your experiences can inspire others on their healing journey.

Are you ready to Unlock a world of deep connection, self-empowerment, and transformation.